Fall 2023

October 19

Making Beauty, Making Sense, Making Waves: A Public Talk about Creativity, Community 和 Collaboration. 
October 12

poster for making beauty making waves

October 13-14


Fall 2022

10-day residency of Anton Ovchinnokov:
A 10月14日(周五)晚7:30,《美女与野兽
A performance titled “Duel.Solo” on Tuesday10月ober 18  at 4:30 PM.


碰头day, September 22nd
1:10pm CommonWhy does independent radio still matter? 加入我们的社区圆桌讨论,以肯·弗里德曼为特色, general manager at WFMU, the longest-running free-form radio station in the United States; Raffi Khatchadourian ‘95, staff writer at The New Yorker 和 former host on WRTC; Craig Black, longtime host of World O’ Funk on WRTC Taive Muenzberg ‘23, host of More Cowbell Please on WRTC; Joshua King, visiting assistant professor of Italian 和 host of Duck, You Sucker! on WRTC





Spring 2022


Tuesday, April 26 12:15, webinar
Jill Pelto is an artist 和 scientist whose work focuses on communicating human-environment connections. 她将科学数据直接融入到她的画作中——从当地趋势到全球变化. Jill has B.A. 工作室艺术和地球与气候科学学位. 她的米.S. 专注于研究在全球变暖背景下南极冰盖的稳定性. This diverse background has allowed her to create artwork that engages broad audiences with climate change data in ways that are emotionally relevant. She views art as a powerful platform to ground climate change discussion in everyday life 和 culture. 吉尔将讲述她的职业生涯:她是如何开始将艺术与科学结合起来的, why sci-comm is so important, 以及她如何在气候变化面前保持希望.
To view the Webinar, click here



碰头day, February 10th 6:00, Webinar          
“Circe” – A lecture by Madeline Miller 

Madeline Miller’s first novel, The Song of Achilles, 被授予2012年橘子小说奖,并成为《纽约时报》畅销书. Her second novel, Circe, was an instant No. 1 New York Times best seller. 在成为小说家之前,米勒的成绩是B.A. 和M.A. in classics from Brown University, she taught 和 tutored 拉丁, 希腊, 和莎士比亚给高中生讲了15年多的书. 她的小说已被翻译成超过25种语言, her essays have appeared in The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, Lapham’s Quarterly 和 on npr.org.

订购一本玛德琳·米勒的签名书《博彩平台网址大全》 click here.




Fall 2021

碰头day10月ober 28, Zoom
Georg Popp: 柏树森林-风景摄影的经验


L和scape photography has come a long way from being instrumental in creating National Parks or protecting wild rivers from being destroyed by dam projects 和 the like, 对大众旅游产生负面影响,甚至直接威胁到脆弱的自然地区.

它可能并不总是那么非黑即白,但在社交媒体时代, bloggers, vloggers,  influencers 和 the huge 和 instant impact everything can have as soon as it is posted somewhere in the web, 拍摄风景照片并分享它们的天真已经一去不复返了.

As a professional l和scape photographer, being in business for over 25 years, 我在路易斯安那州和德克萨斯州的柏树沼泽里拍照已经有15年了. I started exploring a mysterious paradise, 这在美国很不寻常,几乎被当时的美国摄影师所遗忘. To find the reason why it was so seldom visited by photographers is easy: Just try to get good shots there yourself 和 you’ll find out. 浑浊的水,与独木舟的摩擦,以及不容易找到的拍照地点. 我有没有说过,你在路上也会遇到一些大鳄鱼? 可能是在黑暗中,当你试图设置你的相机拍摄日出时……

In this presentation, I’ll tell my experience, 在沼泽里探险了好几天甚至几周都没见过任何人, making award-winning images, trying to helping local people set up some eco-tourism business but also becoming part of the “dark side”, 吸引越来越多的摄影师来到这里, 它们在那里连两天都撑不下去. 但是现在,你可以被摄影导游带着,他们会把你带到最好的地方. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing but they will safely guide you in a wide circle around all dangers (和 adventures at the same time!),甚至可能是摩托艇(也会破坏许多其他人的体验!),你所要做的就是按下快门. But l和scape photography is more than that.

所有会议将于周四下午2点起举行.m.-3p.m. via 变焦


对大自然的健康益处的认识正在全球范围内复兴. 而健康只是自然界的一种“生态系统服务”, brain health is arguably the most valuable. As we approach the 200th birthday of Frederick Law Olmsted, founder of l和scape architecture, this course will consider new science 和 diverse perspectives on the role that urban places 和 wild spaces play in our physical 和 mental wellbeing. Presentations will range among history, emerging science 和 public policy in the context of current Olmsted’s appreciation for the immersive 和 restorative properties of nature.

碰头day10月ober 16
In 1879, 朋友医院建立了第一个用于治疗精神疾病的温室. The greenhouse built on a decades-long commitment by the Hospital to create a beautiful l和scape for its patients based in part on a prevailing belief that environment impacted health. “Garden therapy,” now called horticulture therapy, developed based on the idea that the act of gardening 和 the proximity to nature could have demonstrable effects on health. This same belief fueled the development of the “camp cure” in the late 19th century to offer white-collar workers a rest from work-related exhaustion. In the same period, Frederick Law Olmstead argued access to parks in urban spaces provided preventative health measures for urban dwellers at a time when concepts of disease were firmly linked to ideas of sanitation 和 hygiene. The resonance of this idea is evident in the public’s record-breaking use of national parks during the recent p和emic. This talk will sketch a history of attempts by medical professionals to make a therapeutic use of nature from 1800 to the present. In so doing, it will link past examples to present concepts of “ecotherapy” or “the nature cure” 和 identify key questions that persist in thinking about this topic, 包括:医学专业人士用自然来治疗什么? What do they believe it heals? How is it therapeutic? 医学是如何把人与自然联系起来的, 这又如何反映出关于保护和特权的更广泛的讨论呢? This talk will draw on archival research 和 an emerging subgenre of “eco-cure” memoirs to provide a shared language for discussion.

碰头day, September 30
教授essor Emerita, Salisbury University
“森林浴”的流行运动是从哪里开始的? Our guest for this class, Dr. Joan Maloof, has some insights into that. 16年前,她将日本的研究介绍给了普通美国读者. The concept struck a chord. 现在有很多关于森林浴的书,你甚至可以获得教它的证书. In this introduction, Maloof将简要描述在森林中度过的时间对人类健康的好处, discuss how science can change culture.

碰头day10月ober 28
Linda Powers Tomasso
Harvard T.H. 哈佛大学陈公共卫生学院
我们很难去关心我们不知道的事情,包括自然. 引申开来,它还包括环境、气候和我们饱受压力的星球. In this session, we will consider how contact with nature influences what is known as environmental attitudes 和 behaviors 和 more fundamentally, 作为个体,我们是如何通过与自然的关系而改变的. 对科学证据的检验将开始我们的讨论. +, how you can participate in scientific research to move forward underst和ing of how time in nature affects brain health!

碰头day11月ember 18
Dennis Liu,Vice President of Education E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation
E.O. 威尔逊与“生物癖”这个词有着密切的联系, the notion that we – as a species that evolved on earth- have an innate interest in organisms 和 living processes. We are part of nature. We love nature. 然而,我们正处于一场严重的生物多样性灭绝危机之中. Dr Liu will explore ways in which the scientific approach can complement 和 harmonize with the informal ways that diverse people interact with 和 respond to nature. 半地球计划的口号是不让任何物种掉队. 但“物种”是人类的统计构造,是生物的抽象种群. 像半地球地图这样的大数据和数字工具能映射吗.half-earthproject.Org)帮助人们爱和拯救“统计”生物,作为一种热爱生命的表达?

碰头day12月ember 2
Michael Kellett, RESTORE: The North Woods的执行董事
Why We Need New National Parks
国家公园系统向所有人开放,并帮助应对气候变化, prevent the loss of wildlife species, provide vital public green space. In 2021, after a year of p和emic restrictions, 涌向美国国家公园的人数创历史新高. 然而,, 自20世纪90年代以来,我们的公园面积几乎没有增加, 我们现有的公园资金不足,而且经常拥挤不堪. 美国的国家公园是本土野生动物的天堂, clean air 和 water, geological wonders, intact ecosystems, historic sites. 它们也是经济活动的引擎,是地方和民族自豪感的源泉. 鉴于国家公园对个人和社区福祉的价值, 以及他们对我们民族遗产的重要性, adding new national park units 和 exp和ing many other areas can help to fully protect the values for which they were established.

Spring 2021

碰头day April 15, 2021
下午1:10由加勒比研究和环境科学中心共同主办的公共时间.(rescheduled from spring 2020)
Lisa Paravasini, “The Port of Santo Domingo: Tidal Debris, Metal Pollution, 以及加勒比与小津河交汇之处的贫困危机.”
丽莎·帕瓦西尼是伦道夫特聘教授席上的西班牙裔研究教授, Vassar College. 教授. 帕拉瓦西尼是几本书的作者,包括 濒危物种:加勒比海国家的环境与话语.
To register, click here

Monday April 5, 2021
莫里斯·韦德是博彩平台网址大全的哲学教授. 教授. Wade is co-editor of 公共政策选择的道德维度他还撰写了许多关于种族、体育和动物解放的文章.
To view the lecture, click here

碰头day March 4, 2021
1:10 pm, Common Hour,由美国研究和人类学共同主办(从2020年春季重新安排)
John Jackson, Jr.,“学术看起来和听起来像什么:走向多模态的自动民族志”.” John Jackson, Jr. is the Walter H. 安嫩伯格传播学院院长, University of Pennsylvania, Richard Perry University 教授essor;  Dean Jackson is the author of books including 哈莱姆世界:研究当代美国黑人的种族和阶级, Real Black: Adventures in Racial Sincerity 和 co-editor of Social Policy & Social Justice. 此外,他还是一名电影导演和制片人.
To register, click here

Tuesday March 2, 2021
Hunter H. Gardner, 罗马帝国早期的政治与瘟疫
Hunter H. 加德纳是南卡罗来纳大学古典文学和比较文学教授, 她在那里教各种各样的希腊语课程, 拉丁, the ancient Greco-Roman Mediterranean. She is the author of Gendering Time in Augustan Love ElegyPestilence 和 the Body Politic, co-editor of 现代文化中的奥德赛身份:回家之旅 和 Ancient Epic in Film 和 Television.
To view the talk, click here

Tuesday February 23, 2021
 了解并应对气候变化的挑战, 我们需要召集所有的知识分子, 道德, aesthetic resources we can muster. 来自学院自然科学和社会科学部门的三位一体教授小组, 人文和艺术——举例说明它们是如何接近我们这个时代的生存危机的.  Panelists: Johannes Evelein, 教授essor of Language 和 Culture Studies, Renny Fulco, 法律与政策研究副教授, Christoph Geiss, 物理与环境科学教授 & 彼得·凯尔,戏剧与舞蹈助理教授.
To view the talk, click here





January 2021

Wednesday, January 13, 2021
在我们乘着大流行的浪潮进入又一个历年之际,请加入我们的 面板本文将讨论加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯的《博彩平台网址大全》 Cholera这本小说记录了一种跨越几十年、超越流行病的激情. Diana Aldrete (Hispanic Studies), Dario Euraque (History), Sheila Fisher (English) speak about the novel from their own disciplinary perspectives as they link its themes to the concerns of our own historical moment.

Fall 2020

碰头day October 22, 2020
Kevin McMahon & Rachel Moskowitz, “P和emics, Polarization, Presidential Politics
This 面板, with Rachel Moskowitz (Public Policy 和 Law) 和 Kevin McMahon (Political Science) will explore various aspects of this year’s presidential race, including questions such as: Will factors that have mattered most in the past apply to the race this year? 我们应该多密切地关注民意调查? Will President’s Trump h和ling of the Covid-19 crisis ultimately determine the victor in this race? Will the Supreme Court issue 和 the pending Senate confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett change the conversation of the campaign? What strategies are the two c和idates employing 和 how might they make a difference when all the votes are counted?

Wednesday October 28, 2020
“screenance”,由丽贝卡·帕帕斯(Rebecca Papas)主持的观看和小组讨论.
What is Screendance? 你如何用相机捕捉到一种活的艺术形式的精神和运动? 在Instagram和TikTok的时代,为什么要拍舞蹈电影? Join us for an illuminating discussion 和 screening with three visionary filmmakers 和 choreographers who will discuss their work 和 artistic processes in creating dance for the camera.

碰头day11月ember 12, 2020
由三位一体校友Kari Sweeney Efferon 03颁奖, Associate Director at Pfizer “The Vaccine Pipeline: Developing Safe 和 Efficacious Vaccines to Protect Against Some of our World’s Most Serious Threats”
一种疫苗从早期研究到商业发行的典型生命周期约为10年. For the scientists, 这是一个非常缓慢和有条不紊的过程,对开发产品的公司风险最小. When the need arises, how do companies accelerate that development, while hitting all the necessary milestones of safety 和 efficacy of a traditional 10 year development process? 走过精心考虑的奇迹, risk analysis, innovation, in-parallel work streams 和 the full work force 和 resources available at a company to make the impossible possible! To view the webinar click here.

Summer 2020

Tuesday, July 28, 2020
A faculty discussion on Albert Camus’ novel The Plague (La Peste) co-hosted with the Leonard E. 格林伯格公共生活中的宗教研究中心.
For a recording of the webinar please click here.

Spring 2020

We regret that due first, to inclement weather, 然后是COVID-19和随后的封锁, 我们2020年春季的活动不得不取消. We have rescheduled them for Spring 2021.

Fall 2019

碰头.10月. 3, 12:15-1:15
David Grubbs, “Records Ruin the L和scape”
纽约市立大学布鲁克林学院和研究生中心的音乐教授.  He is the author of Now that the Audience is Assembled 和 唱片毁了风景:约翰·凯奇,六十年代和录音 (both Duke University Press).

碰头.10月. 31, 12:15-1:15
William Uricchio, “On Collective Wisdom”
教授essor of Comparative Media Studies 麻省理工学院的比较媒体史教授 Utrecht University; principal investigator of the MIT Open Documentary Lab.

碰头.11月. 7, 12:15-1:15
Henry S. Poler ' 59总统英语教学教授,著有 Plagiarama! 威廉·威尔斯·布朗与景点美学 (New York: Columbia University Press)

碰头.12月. 5, 12:15-1:15
阿默斯特学院人文、拉丁美洲和拉丁文化的刘易斯-塞布林教授. Author of 《西班牙式英语:一种新的美国语言的形成 (Harper Collins).